1 kg small sized white figs
• 500g sugar
• 1L water
• Juice of 1 lemon
• 4-5 pebbles of gum Arabic (mastic),
• 5 geranium leaves, washed
• 1 cup of sesame seeds, roasted
1. Rinse the figs and drain them. Dry them with a cloth before cooking and make sure you keep the tail.
2. In a cooking pot, prepare the syrup by heating the sugar and water over medium fire. When the syrup starts boiling, remove the froth when formed and add the figs.
3. Keep stirring gently with a wooden spatula until the mixture boils again and begins to thicken. Add the lemon juice, gum Arabic and geranium leaves and stir for 10 minutes.
4. When the jam is thick enough, stir-in the sesame seeds and turn the fire off. Remove the geranium leaves and pour the jam into sterilized glass jars. Make sure the figs are fully covered with syrup.
5. Close the jars tight and turn them upside down to avoid the formation of air pockets. Leave to
cool overnight.